Monday, July 21, 2008

Secret Google Tactics - Secret Google Tactics Review

From the desk of David Meade:

Dear reader,

This is a short review on Dylan Loh's new guide Secret Google Tactics.

Secret Google Tactics doesn't just explain how Adwords and Adsense work. It reveals how you to go about making a profit from using them, starting from today. Dylan shows you the 3 sources he uses to source products. You're going to need these if you want content for your Adsense sites or products to sell with Adwords promotion.

Dylan shows you how to get traffic to your sites. This is a key factor as without traffic you are not going to make money, period. Dylan also shows how you can capitalise on the traffic you are receiving. This traffic is all targeted and will earn you money using Adsense or Adwords.

You will discover how to start an Adsense business immediately. And you will know how to make a profit by avoiding the mistakes Dylan lists inside the Secret Google Tactics guide.

Secret Google Tactics is a short guide (35 pages) and gives you a very good introduction into the world of Adwords and Adsense. While Secret Google Tactics touches on Search Engine Optimization (SEO), it doesn't go as indepth as I would have liked. I believe the Secret Google Tactics guide is suited more towards beginner and intermediate marketers as there is something for each inside.

It does cover the basics of Adwords and Adsense very well and if you are just beginning to start your Adwords or Adsense empire then the Secret Google Tactics guide will be a useful weapon in your arsenal for google domination :)

At the introductoy price of $9.97 it really is a no brainer.

To your online success,
David Meade